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Manchester United Speed Drill-Part 2

by Taylor Tollison


Because of its almost limitless possibilities, I decided to give you more exercises and guidelines for using this drill. They will be listed below. If you missed part one of this drill, please click on Manchester United Speed Drill part 1.

Manchester United Speed Drill

Please refer to the picture above for the layout. Start the drill where the two players are standing (cone 1). It doesn't matter what side of cone 1 you start on. Split the soccer team up into two separate teams with 1/2 standing behind one set of cones and the other half standing behind the second set.

  • 1.Start at cone 1 with both feet parallel to the start cone. Fall forward to about 45 degrees and sprint out forward using proper body lean. Then sprint through the finish.
  • 2. Start at cone 1, leap side to side over the cones, through the stack (using two legs). Once you get to cone 7, sprint through to the end. There is pause after you jump over cone 7. Immediately when you hit the ground sprint as fast as possible through the finish. (key note: Once athletes become most advanced at this drill they may move to one foot hoping. Use caution. The athletes should be well trained and not have any lower extremity injuries. One foot hoping in this manner is an advanced exercise and should be saved for more well trained athletes with good technique.)
  • 3. Start at cone 1, facing back wards, run backwards as fast as possible through the stack, Once you reach the end of the stack, turn and sprint through the finish. There is no pausing when turning from backwards to forwards running. a.  Same thing this time but on the opposite side.
  • 4. Start at cone 1, facing sideways down the stack, only one foot is on cone 1. Shuffle laterally to the end of the stack and touch cone 7, (never cross feet). Then shuffle back to start and touch cone 1, then shuffle forward and touch the 2nd to last cone in the stack, then return and touch the 2nd to the 1st cone from the beginning. Repeat this sequence till you have touched all the cones, then turn and run through the finish. ( this is a lateral quickness drill. And must be done like all the other drills at 100%. Emphasize good technique.) a.  Repeat on opposite side.
  • 5. Start at cone 1, you are facing backwards. Run backwards to the end of the stack. Run around those cones backwards and run to the start and around those cones backwards and then run through the last portion of the stack backwards. Once you reach the end of the stack turn and run forward through the finish forwards.
  • 6. Start at cone 1, jump over the cones, while you are in the air do a 180 degree turn and land on the other side of the cones, then jump over to the other side doing another 180 degree turn. Do this all the way down the stack. Once you reach the end of the stack you are done with this rep. a.  Repeat on opposite side.
  • 7. Start at cone 1, sprint through the stack and to the finish. Then sprint around the finish cone and run back to and around cone 1, then to the finish

For the Printable version of the Manchester United Speed and Agility Drill Click Here.