Plyometrics for soccer

Improving athlete's power and decreasing the chances of getting injured are at the very core of proper plyometric training. Speed and overall athletism are corners of a successful training program. But they mean nothing if you are oft injured. In the plyometrics for soccer section we go over the basics to help you understand what it is about.

The great significance of plyometrics is that you get double the bang for your buck.  Decreased likely hood of injury and increased power and performance. 

Traditional plyometrics consists of three primary phases. First, the eccentric phase. The eccentric phase would be like your legs lowering the body to prepare for a vertical jump. During phase one the body is generating energy. Without phase one you can't jump or run as fast.  But don't think about it, it just happens. Second, the Amortization phase. In simple terms, the amortization phase is the phase in between the eccentric and concentric phases. We finish with the third and final phase, concentric movement. After loading the muscles with all the energy built up during phase one now you can explode. The concentric phase, for example, would be like jumping up. This section describes ways soccer players can use plyometrics to improve the above mentioned qualities.

plyometrics The basics of Plyometrics

Learn what plyometrics are and how plyometrics affect the body.   This article also provides a test for readers to demonstrate the positive affects of the stretch shortening cycle on performance.