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10 Soccer Training Tips to improve performance on the field

by Taylor Tollison

Soccer Training Tip #1

Do you only do crunches or sit-ups to build the core? You might be saying to yourself, I mix it up though. Sometimes you lift your legs up in the air and other times your legs are straight in front of you during core exercises.. But you mix it up, right? Wrong, kind of! You should mix it up but ensure your core training includes training stabilization exercises like the plank.

Soccer Training Tip #2-Long slow can be bad


Here is the myth.  "Because I play soccer all my training must be endurance oriented". Wrong again. Long distance running leads to slower less powerful athletes. If you are the type that likes to go out and run 3-5 miles a day to prepare for the season, stop it.  When in soccer do you run continuously for 3-5 miles without stopping?  Never!  Use shorter bursts for your fitness needs.  Believe or not you can develop aerobic qualities while using shorter burst running. 


The next point with this endurance myth is with strength training.  You might be saying to yourself that because you run a lot in soccer you have to lift with higher repetitions of 15-20 all the time.  This is incorrect thinking.  High rep training with weights does not focus on strength.  You must become strong. 


Soccer Training Tip #3-0ne fast and heavy day per week

One method for speed training is to have one heavy day and one fast day per week. For example, Monday you run as fast as possible while pulling a sled with weight behind. Thursday you do not use weight and do fast sprints while pulling nothing. 


Soccer Training Tip #4-Speed Training Fresh

In number three I talked about speed training.  One of the most important things to consider when speed training is that you must be fresh.  Speed training is not fitness training.  Your speed training program can quickly become a fitness training program if you don't give your self enough rest in between reps.  Make sure you are resting enough in between speed training repetitions.


Soccer Training Tip #5-Don't always train on two legs

Soccer is not always played on two legs.  When you jump for a header in the box or at midfield you will frequently jump off two feet.  But most of the movement and cutting you do in the game and practice and life is done one leg at a time.  When running you move one leg forward, followed by the next, then the other one.  When you cut it is frequently on the outside or the inside leg.  To improve performance and reduce injury you must include single leg training in your regimen.  Check this video out for an example:

single leg squat.   You should also read this article about the single leg squat:   one-leg squat. Training one leg at a time will provide an extra balance component as well. Add single leg squats to your exercise routine. Don’t fall into the trap of old school thinking that two legged squats is the only way to go.


Soccer Training Tip #6-Think Technique first

When strength training think technique first. Don’t throw 300 pounds on the back of soccer player to squat with bad technique. Start with body weight squats first. Master technique with less weight or no weight first, then progress from there.  Any exercise is complete when technique is broken, even if you can do more repetitions. I call this the technique threshold. When the technique threshold breaks down the entire set is done.


Soccer Training Tip #7- Front Squats save the back

To alleviate additional strain on the back do front squats instead of back squats. You might lift less weight when front squatting but your back will appreciate it.  When front squatting training tip #6 applies-use technique first. 


Soccer Training Tip #8-How to alleviate excessive forward lean

If you find the back leaning forward excessively during a squat check the mobility of the ankle. Another  simple technique to look at to overcome excessive forward lean is to use a 2 x 4 under the heels.  I personally had the problem of excessive forward lean during my squatting.  I put a 2 x 4 under my heels and my back was more upright.  Give it a try, but before you do this, consult with a professional to see if this is the right solution for you.


Soccer Training Tip #9- Volume for hypertrophy and intensity for strength

Volume is for getting big muscles and intensity is for getting stronger. When you lift heavy weight you lift for intensity. When you lift for intensity you get stronger. When you get stronger you get faster. When you get faster you become a better soccer player. When you become a better soccer player……well you know the rest. Don’t worry girls, lifting for intensity will not make you look like a body builder.


Soccer Training Tip #10- Do Plyometrics

Implement Plyometrics to become a more powerful athlete. This does not mean you start by leaping off a box that is 6 feet tall. Progress with easy jumps. My recommendation is to start your plyometric program by leaping up on to a box with good technique. Don’t jump up and over anything, or on then off of anything at first. Just jump on to a box or stairs then step down. This is just the starting point. Plyometrics are so important to any exercise routine. They will make you more powerful which will make you faster. A key to athletic success is speed and power.  Plyometrics will also decrease your likelihood of injury.